Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sensory Play

Towards the end of winter, my very busy 2 and a half year old started going a little stir crazy. When he's bored he gets into trouble. I had to come up with something to keep his hands and mind active. I got onto my favorite site Pinterest and and started looking for ideas. I came across the idea of sensory tubs and fell in love. You can get creative as you wish or keep it very simple. Part of the fun for me is seeing what my little man could come up with out of the items in the sensory box. The first box I put together was a St. Patty's day theme and the second an Easter theme. The first was a hit and the Easter box is waiting for him to get up in the morning. Check out my Vlog BabiesAreBlessing on YouTube for a video of Connor playing with his first sensory box. It was a HIT.

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