Sunday, August 12, 2012

Homemade Baby Food

I have to be honest with you ladies. I LOVE vlogging because I really love looking back to see what was going on 6 months ago, a year ago, two years ago. I feel bad, but I have next to no time to make, edit and upload videos anymore. So here I am back to blogging. I really am going to try and make time to post about 5 blogs a week. Any suggestions on what you would like to see? I have a whole list of things I need to get caught up on sharing....

Lets start with the baby food making party I hosted two months ago. I have a group of friends who all have babies Annies age. We all got together and made about every kind of baby food you could dream of. It was great and it only cost each one of us about $10-12. We each bought one kind of produce and all worked together cooking and watching the children as we made about two months worth of homemade baby food. It was so much fun and we all learned a lot from one another.

 Cutting up carrots
 Baked Squash
 Annie playing in the kitchen
 Steaming up some baby food
 My hubby took this picture of our oven mitt. He is one silly guy!

 Here is all the food before we separated it. We put it in baggies and then snipped the corner so that we could easily fill the containers each woman brought. It worked out wonderfully! 
 Some of the mammas! 

Here is what our portions looked like. Not bad for $10.00 I put the food into ice cube trays and then freeze them, pop them out and place them into baggies until we are ready for them. Each cube is one ounce and its so easy to mix flavors this way. 

Here is what was on the menu:
Green beans
Sweet potatoes 

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