Sunday, August 12, 2012

Thank you for nursing in public!

I am on a mission ladies! I saw something on Facebook during world breastfeeding week and I thought it was such a great idea.  A thank you card you hand out to women nursing in public. I thought it was such a great idea I decided to make some of my own to pass out.  Since then I have about ten other women helping pass them out wherever and whenever they see someone nursing in public! I know as a nursing mom, it's not always easy to nurse your baby no matter where you are. I have over the years of nursing been able to grown some thick skin and nurse proudly whenever I need to and all women should feel the same. A way to make this happen is to help normalize it and in my eyes thank all women who do. What do you ladies think?  Here is what I made up and I gave my first card out Friday night at the zoo :) 

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