Thursday, March 29, 2012

Reusable wipes are a life and wallet saver at the dinner table

I have been cloth diapering for about a year and a half now. I LOVE it and so do my children. When my son was little Pampers introduced Dry Max into their diapers which began causing chemical burns on babies bottoms. I thought for sure when this happened, Pampers would pull their product. Well its been two years now and Dry Max is still on the shelves. When I realized Pampers did not care about what their product was doing to little ones, I really started to think about all the chemicals in diapers and how little mattered to the manufacture. So thats when I made the switch to cloth. ( I will post in detail about cloth on another day when I have more time) I also use cloth wipes sometimes but discovered a new use for cloth wipes, which is awesome and I just have to share.

 So when your little one's face looks like this... how are you going to clean them up? A paper towel, bath, dish rag (yuck... I hate when I see people pull the dishrag out of the sink and wipe up their little one's face) 
I always turn to my trusty cloth wipes! I keep a container of them on the kitchen counter. I store them all dry and wet them in the sink as needed. I can rinse them out and keep on wiping that face until the mess is gone! I bought my "wipes" at the local grocery store. They were sold as bath washcloths for $4.00 for a pack of 10. Way cheaper than paper towels in the long run. They are more durable and softer. Here is what one looks like. 
 To fold them so they pop up one after the next you place the first one flat (as seen above) then take another one and cover the bottom one half way. 
 You then fold the fist one over the second one (half way)
 Then place the third one over the folded one
 Then take the bottom half of the one below and fold it up and continue this until you have all of you wipes folded.
 Leave the last half of the last wipe hanging and place the pile of folded wipes into the wipe container. 

 Then feed that last little bit through the wipe lid and you are set with your reusable wipes!
 When you pull one out the next should pop right up. 

And there you have it! Reusable wipes for cleaning up big messes at the dinner table or even craft time.

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