Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Year of Breastfeeding in Pictures

A Year of Breastfeeding in Pictures

The first latch

Milk Drunk

Laid Back Breastfeeding

First Trip to the Milk Bank for a Drop Off

Because when you fall asleep nursing this is the best option... Co-sleeping... at least for us this worked so well!

Big Brother wants in on the action. He's going to be such a good daddy one day :)

Annie's first "Solid" Breastmilk Ice cream

I eventually had to go back to work and this is the only way we could get breastmilk into Annie when I was gone. No bottles for her for a long time (she started taking a bottle of breastmilk when I was working my 12 hour shift around 7 months old)

At the Big Latch On 2012
(Hosted at our house)

Nursing Gymnastics- We reached that stage around 6-7 months. This was a trip to the park. We were trying to take some pictures, got a few and then Annie had some other ideas LOL!

9 month photo shoot during world breastfeeding week.  

 Trick or Treat! Ha 

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