Thursday, February 7, 2013

Shower Soothers

So anyone who knows me knows that I hate germs. If someone is sick I try to stay far away. When I get a cold it always goes straight to my lungs and I'm down for weeks. It sucks. I have avoided places with a lot of germs like public play places. Well this week I decided to get over it and take the kids out. I want Connor to have had some exposure before starting school. This week I set up three playdates in a row. By the fourth day both of my kiddos came down with a case of the sniffles. Enter todays activity.....Shower soothers.

Here is what we started with. 
1 cup baking soda
1/3 cup water
Essential oils
(We used Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lavender, and Peppermint-we love DoTerra oils but they are not always in the budget)
Muffin tin- we used mini
muffin liners-these stick so silicone may be a better option, just make sure its safe for baking

Set oven to 350

Mix the water and baking soda into a thick paste.
Add a few drops of each oil and mix
Fill the muffin liner halfway
Add 1-2 drops of each oil to the middle of each soother
Finish filling the liner
Bake for about 20 mins and remove from oven. (May need to adjust this if you use larger liners)
Wait for them to completely cool and then add a few more drops of oil to the top of each.
Wait for that to dry and then place them into an airtight container. 

There you go, super easy and cheap!
If the paper is stuck it will come off in the water (It was no big deal to me but if that would bother you use silicone safe for baking)

1 comment:

  1. You're like a live Pinterest board! :) I haven't seen this one, I think I will try it!
